We are DONE with the written report !
25 pages with script and total 67 pages with all the pictures and appedix. At 16.oo today we send everything over to HC grafisk to print our exam! We will be able to use the long weekend to make the final presentation for Startup Company on tuesday the 29th of May and for the examination thursday the 7th of June !
Tuesday is also the day where we say thank you to everybody in Startup and head home to Århus in Thoma's fantastic car!
This month has been superduper ower here in Copenhagen, we have had our ups and downs, but in all we have learned so much and had a really good project.
Looking forward to see you all from our lovely TEAM 13 in Århus soon!
BIG hug
Anders, Jacob, Torben, Thomas and Me (Tone )!!
Friday, 25 May 2007
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Under 7 days left!

Panic is reaching far these days - or NOT! We are moving on really nice and the lot are writing on the report for the school, presentations for prototyping and for our partner/customer. This means long working hours with little spare time. We were fortunate enough to have a visit from the Borneo Group who have touched Danish ground again today. With a lot of the luggage, which they left with us prior to their departure, they were driven ti Christianshavn in order to get installed for their writing process. (It is always nicer/better to be two...) ;)
To night there will be a big football match. This means Beers and "flæskesvær" (grise bolcher etc.), as I'm not the keenest person on watching football I hope that I'll finish up our model/prototype/VECH tonight, and maybe post a picture of the finished model.
Pilfingerzone... What is that - ya might ask, well stay tuned within the next week, then we might be able to show you the real entrepreneurial deal, for kingom to come.
Stay on both of your feet...
- Torben
PS: The hobbit is still alive
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
The Horizon is getting closer...

Here is a little update from the cold but sunny and warm north. We are still doing great and we can now see that our deadlines are moving closer by the minute. This puts us under some pressure but so fare that has not stressed us. We simply look forward to seeing what will happen at our test this friday and how our presentation will go after the weekend.
We are in a phase where we are occupied by our mac's and phones and that does not leave room for a whole lot of social activities, therefor we are all looking forward to seeing Liverpool loose tomorrow night (may they crash and burn in Athens - Forza Italia! Forza Milan!) Well... Everything in Copenhagen is great and we can't wait to see how the world will welcome our project!
Peace and keep it real!
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Since the last post...
Thursday we had a short visit from Kasper. We served him brunch and talked a little bit about the final stages in of our project. It was really good to see him and he had some good points for us on how to make our final product as good possible. The good Mr. Kasper seemed really ready for some vacation time :)
Friday we went a little deeper in defining the actual content in our VECH and took some decisions on that - worked more on setting the frames for our test / workshop this coming friday. We have invited some interesting people to come and try out a prototype of our VECH - so thats going to be fun! Friday afternoon Mr. Big Drøn went home to Jylland to attend a 70 years birthday party.. woowoo! Thomas went to have a hair cut, and not just any haircut, but a haircut from Camillas friend Ronni who has the "X-salon", where he usually trims hair in very intimate places:-) So Thomas came back with a proud and handsome "Mo-Hawk".. or a "Landing Strip" as some call it! After a good day of work we had some Friday beers at the ITU bar. Again the prices: 1 big Hoegarden beer: 23kr! BOW...! So a fantastic start to a great night where we got joined by Klintons girlfriend Silla and his roommate back from Århus, Kristian. Thomas and Malene had some time together alone and we meet up with them later
and the partied into the night and meet up with Stefan from Startup Company. GREAT!
Sunday started of with Copehagen Marathon running past us just outside our door.
Some people chose to do it the hard way, and brought their own "little" supply vehicle.
Later on Torben and Anders started the prototyping of our Virtual Experience Creative Hub (VECH).
As we see here: Wierd hobbit-like thing on left beeing very scared of knife and very large DRØN on the right beeing very much in doubt on whether or not to cut wierd hobbit-like thing to pieces... (he didn't..)

As we see here: Bob The BodyBuilder very happy! (But where is the hobbit...)
Be careful out there kids...
and the partied into the night and meet up with Stefan from Startup Company. GREAT!
Sunday started of with Copehagen Marathon running past us just outside our door.
Some people chose to do it the hard way, and brought their own "little" supply vehicle.
As we see here: Wierd hobbit-like thing on left beeing very scared of knife and very large DRØN on the right beeing very much in doubt on whether or not to cut wierd hobbit-like thing to pieces... (he didn't..)
Be careful out there kids...
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
I truly do not know where to begin with what happend today...
Something differently happend. The wheels turned and they turned fast... I will take from the morning. We started our day one man short (or one woman short) as Tone travelled to Oslo Tuesday evening. Strange being four, when your used to be five. The day at the office started with four guys writing on everything they could get their hands on and when the fingers got sore three of them continued to a meeting with Nicolai and Stefan which proved extemely valuable in our furthered process. After the meeting - things really started to happen. Gameplan, Gantt-chart, focus group specification, idea developing phase and the general project really gained speed. Some even got finished. As the afternoon progressed along with our work, so did our hunger. So the four boys decided to head home to Enghave Palace. Here Anders and I cooked homebaked Pizza's, while the two other manly men travelled to the local Silvan to do research on the cost of our beautiful VECH (our prototype - explaination will follow...). Right now we are all working still as the drive is far to great to hold down. We have introduced two new forms of brain foods or brain beverages; strong beers (with golden collars) and red wine - it works wonderes!

Peace out and live the dream!
Something differently happend. The wheels turned and they turned fast... I will take from the morning. We started our day one man short (or one woman short) as Tone travelled to Oslo Tuesday evening. Strange being four, when your used to be five. The day at the office started with four guys writing on everything they could get their hands on and when the fingers got sore three of them continued to a meeting with Nicolai and Stefan which proved extemely valuable in our furthered process. After the meeting - things really started to happen. Gameplan, Gantt-chart, focus group specification, idea developing phase and the general project really gained speed. Some even got finished. As the afternoon progressed along with our work, so did our hunger. So the four boys decided to head home to Enghave Palace. Here Anders and I cooked homebaked Pizza's, while the two other manly men travelled to the local Silvan to do research on the cost of our beautiful VECH (our prototype - explaination will follow...). Right now we are all working still as the drive is far to great to hold down. We have introduced two new forms of brain foods or brain beverages; strong beers (with golden collars) and red wine - it works wonderes!
Peace out and live the dream!
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Kicking of the week
Needless to say, is that all this massive brain activity that we have had these two days, needs lots of energy. Enter the "Bomba" the new Caffeine drink for KaosPilots... Are you flying yet? Well we were after drinking this wonderfull blue drink! Try it, if its near you. Your project will never be the same again after you have tasted this...
Dear reader - we are doing good and will soon be prototyping, so stay tuned...
Anders & Torben
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Narrow down!
Finally the day came (Friday) where we, the five hard working group members of the Entrepreneurial Incubator project, met up and took the final decisive steps, towards creating the theme for the next weeks actual product development challenges (IDEO), and thereby crossing "the point of no return"... We are almost halfway and in good spirit. The last couple of weeks has been dedicated to research, brainstorms, talks, joy, fustrations, actions, dinners, table soccer and indeed some beers too. All in all we have been very process oriented and focused on the understanding of our synopsis actual connection to the real world topics we mention in it. We will transform our work methods a little now, and focus more on our end result, the actions needed to finish and simply just start cutting down on the process bull...., and work our butts of. After a hard days work Friday we all needed a pilsner, and moved to the bar area of ITU. WOW!.... The prices there are like no other place we know, and the beers they sell there are of very high quality. Before ending our stay in Cph. we will definitely have to rock that place in real T13 style. On the way to Århus for the weekend, Torben, Anders, Jakob and Thomas had one more incredible travel/würtz experience to write about in the blog.
The creative solution for a "menu extravagance" on the slow boat from Kalundborg to Århus were as follows: 4 Store fadøl, 8 ristede, 2 frankfurtere, 12 brød, blod, bæ og bræk + ristede løg. The add on was 1 bakke pommes og godt med døbls. We all enjoyed the magnificent feast in the great surroundings of the smoking lounge. White walls, Danish hardcore truckers and the national folk hero "Bubber" on the TV in the corner.
Have a great weekend out there...
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Royal Visit
Yes, this was the big day. The day where we would get a royal visit! The picture should speak for it self. Unfortunately the prospects of our project hasn't arrived as far as the Royal Danish Family. They were at the ITU for a briefing about the innovation in the "Ørestads Region"
Well, back to basics. Too early in the morning the Borneo group left for the airport. We started with a nice breakfast at the condo, only the four of us. Today was the first day of our new way of facilitating the process. We then drove to the ITU and arrived at the office because of the enhanced security due to the coming Royal Visit. We got in started up and at 9.30hrs we checked in and made a schedule for the day.
The work started with a Risk analysis. We tried to analyse all the risks in our project. Not risks like being imprisoned or sun burned as some of the other groups might experience, but risks of us living together and the wide frames that our partner have given us. At 11.00hrs we had a break to get some lunch. The kitchen would be closed during the royal visit and therefore we had to eat at odd times... After the lunch we got back for the risk analysis which we finished around 13.00hrs.
What to do then? BRAINSTORM!! When in doubt, have a brainstorm. Not, that we were in doubt, but we wanted to get some more ideas before we start the developing phase. We had some very cool and inspiring brainstorms. Only interrupted for fresh coffee and a game of "Office Chair Football". Watch the movie and see how you get new energy and room for a new brainstorm.
Needless to say, we got some good ideas out of the day. We finished the day around 16.30 really tired of all the brain work.
At dinner time Thomas made a wonderful salad - The picture speaks for itself - Yes , it is a picture of our dinner.
Torben made dough for morning bread. Here comes the recipe:
700 ml water
5 g yeast
1 ts salt
1 ts sucker
200 g "müsli"
300 g "spelt" flour
200 g full grain wheat flour
Let it stand in the refrigerator during the night. In the morning while you are in the shower, make proper size buns out of the dough and cook them for 25 mins at 225 degrees C.
During the evening we'll try and arrange a working space at the apartment (in the living room). Yeah and of cause eat some of this lovely "Drømmekage fra Brovst" which Thomas made.
Until tomorrow - Have fun, and good luck baking!
- Torben
What to do then? BRAINSTORM!! When in doubt, have a brainstorm. Not, that we were in doubt, but we wanted to get some more ideas before we start the developing phase. We had some very cool and inspiring brainstorms. Only interrupted for fresh coffee and a game of "Office Chair Football". Watch the movie and see how you get new energy and room for a new brainstorm.
Needless to say, we got some good ideas out of the day. We finished the day around 16.30 really tired of all the brain work.
Torben made dough for morning bread. Here comes the recipe:
700 ml water
5 g yeast
1 ts salt
1 ts sucker
200 g "müsli"
300 g "spelt" flour
200 g full grain wheat flour
Let it stand in the refrigerator during the night. In the morning while you are in the shower, make proper size buns out of the dough and cook them for 25 mins at 225 degrees C.
During the evening we'll try and arrange a working space at the apartment (in the living room). Yeah and of cause eat some of this lovely "Drømmekage fra Brovst" which Thomas made.
- Torben
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
The Gathering...
We are focusing a hell of a lot on our process as well, right now. Which is great. Picture showing: "The Old Man and his White board"
All in all a super day with many topics on the board, many things discussed and many great ideas! Oh yeah, and the Queen is coming to our offices tomorrow! Jæs sir! Both the Danish and the Swedish Queen and King I think - don't really know why but fuck it - we gonna get Royal visit! So it's going to be interesting if we can get in tomorrow morning or if there's going to be 7000 security guys... but we have Torben a.k.a. "Big Drøn" if all else fails!!
We will keep you posted...
Anyways it was really great to see some good people - it seems like ages since we've seen any of you!
So that will be all for now..
Hope your all doing well?
By the way: Love reading your different blogs - Pontus: I love you!
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Tuesday, May the 8th
Ok, while some of the guys have been in Århus, I have been in Oslo during the weekend because i had a meeting with Tommy Sharif second generation Pakistani, also known as the Baron of tires in Norway, and now also Europe !! He is innovative, creative, extremely full of energy and he has a huge passion for what he does. We had a good chat and I got some really good info to bring back to our incubator project in CPH, Denmark! And a success story to use when branding our project in Denmark.
Monday morning Jacob and Anders went out to interview Ibrahim, the previous owner of the shop in Stefansgade that won the price "most innovative shop" in Denmark 2004. He did sell the shop later on, but he kept his Pizzeria! He was a nice guy, and the boys got some views on his way of being innovative.
The next meeting that we had was with Torben in "Foreningen Ny Dansker". He was a little bit sceptic to our project (too big...), and he gave us some good information about what the need for the new Danes is these days. There are a lot of unsolved problems when it comes to the economical part of running a business, there is difficult papers to fill out and the help is not that help full... Torben also gave us the huge opportunity to help us get funding to the project, when it is done!
Today we have been to the meeting we have been looking forward to ...allot! With "Creative Ghetto" and they have certainly been both creative and have found a "ghetto" when choosing office. In the middle of the old harbour as far as you can walk, behind some bushes and in the middle of the building. We walked and walked in the rain, took a cab but still we weren't there.... but then the sun came, and we (with a little help from Pernille (from C.G.) who was so kind to pick us up on the wrong side of the building...) got to the office! We had a great meeting, partly by the fire and with hot coffee to dry us up and get us warm.
Creative Ghetto is focusing on how to get new Danes into the commercial and creative business in Denmark, to create some diversity and to get new input.
Pernille and Sebastian has sadly decided to close the Creative Ghetto project and education. This is a shame, because there is no creative education i Denmark anymore and because they have done a good job. Some of their "students" are trying to start up something on their own and we hope that we can be a part of this, at least help what we can.
Dough the Creative Ghetto is shut down Pernille and Sebastian is working to build up a Creative network for the "ghetto" instead. So there might be that it is possible to do something similar with their network later! We got some really good contacts and the opportunity to use the "research" and some tips on how to actually find the people we are looking for!
So.... now Anders, Jacob and Me are in the apartment making a S.W.O.T. on the interviews and talks that we have had during the last couple of days. The boys will back from Århus tomorrow at lunch time and then the HUGE decision making process will start. Figuring out where we are headed and how to narrow down out task into something that at least is a little bit smaller than what it is today, but we have 3 weeks left, a huge amount of energy!! We have an apartment, a office, a car and we are the FABULOUS 5 !
Tone =)
Monday, 7 May 2007
First Field Studies!
Finally the day came. Our first studies in our target group.
Thomas and I have been to some great meetings today in Århus. It was both a good and a bad day, because we realized that we might have to edit our vision of the end product. BUT we were assured that we are on the right track and that there is a market for what we are doing. We met up with the CEO of Bazar Vest, who gave very interesting angels on our ideas. After lunch we went down town and talked with MatchWorker. MatchWorker gave us other perspectives and confirmed some of the points that the CEO of Bazar Vest gave us. Finally Thomas and I met Waseim, who is an atypical person for this VOXPOP, as he doesn't fit our target profile, but he had a lot of interesting points that we can use in our further research.
Sorry no pictures to day... And, no food related topics!
Best until tomorrow.
- Torben
Thomas and I have been to some great meetings today in Århus. It was both a good and a bad day, because we realized that we might have to edit our vision of the end product. BUT we were assured that we are on the right track and that there is a market for what we are doing. We met up with the CEO of Bazar Vest, who gave very interesting angels on our ideas. After lunch we went down town and talked with MatchWorker. MatchWorker gave us other perspectives and confirmed some of the points that the CEO of Bazar Vest gave us. Finally Thomas and I met Waseim, who is an atypical person for this VOXPOP, as he doesn't fit our target profile, but he had a lot of interesting points that we can use in our further research.
Sorry no pictures to day... And, no food related topics!
Best until tomorrow.
- Torben
Friday, 4 May 2007
The 4th day of a magnificent project
Well the team didn't have a day of! Thomas and I started the day by doing some field work in Copenhagen as we went to the baker. A strange sight met us. Empty streets in the city. The first guy we saw was snoring on a bench - Could it be that he had, had a wet night in town... ;) As we came to the baker Thomas found some lovely "danish" (Kanel snegle) in the window and took pictures of them. When I came in the store the shopkeeper was a tiny bit pissed as we were not allowed to take pictures - Well... We were luckily enough to get permission to buy some bread.
When we had had our breakfast we started with a structure meeting facilitated by Anders, so we could get the most out of the day. We worked on funding, humanizing our questionnaire and small topics in order for our interviews (mon- and tuesday) to run as smoothly as possible.
The trip was lovely with a lot of sun intellectual talks and of course "1 Frankfurter med 2 Brød". We found that until now we have eaten more sausages than sharwama on this project.
Have fun
Thursday, 3 May 2007
First day at the apartment
focused, fuel for brain and body is needed. Jacob had bought the essentials in one of the big Danish discount shops, for a grand Danish lunch experience, with a twist of Turkish spice in the shape of a sausage. The kitchen facilities here are not like we are used to at the KP. It really works great and it is a real nice way to meet the others on the business floor of the IT University.
A nice and intimate way of working in the big fancy building. After lunch we regained focus and sprinted for the 2 o'clock deadline only to find out that the clock was moving towards the magic number. We all finished our planned work and raced in the fantastic bus to Enghave Plads to finally receive the keys for Jane's
(Camilla's friend) amazing apartment.
And what a lovely place it is!!! Pictures will be posted the coming days...
Bon appetite...
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
May 2nd Copenhagen
We all gathered in Ørestaden where our work continued with deciding on a final mission and vision for what we really want to achieve through the next month. One of the things we have decided on is to host a workshop may 25th for representatives of our target group and people who have an interest in our project. This was followed by our own version of a brainstorm; the silent-build-write-brainstorm. The result was very useful to us and we feel that we have created a great and powerful tool... Well, the end result gave us something to think about and the ideas that we came up with are definitely something we will take into our consideration.
We were all very eager to get started and at the end of the day we have set up a lot of meeting Monday and Tuesday next week. The meeting is with a broad variety of people and they will be held both in Copenhagen, Århus and Oslo. To conclude this day I have to say that the general feeling in the group is that we are on the right track to a great project!
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
First day of May Project
We met up in the cafeteria at the IT-University for lunch at 1300hrs. After a tour round the complex, we had a meeting with Startup's entire staff at 1400hrs, in the meeting room Marie Curie.
The meeting went very well and the staff at Startup had a lot of good ideas and network that we could benefit from in our coming project.
The location Startup is located in is awesome... Just look at the left picture. Many things have been done in order to inspire the people working there in the best possible way. Needless to say that all of us are looking forward to tomorrow!
Best regards
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