Tuesday 1 May 2007

First day of May Project

The Startup Group of KaosPilots Team 13, consisting of Anders, Jacob, Thomas, Tone & Torben, initiated our month long exam project to day. The group went to Startup Company in Copenhagen for our first work day. All except Jacob went in Thomas´ lovely bus. The drive in perfect weather, spring in Denmark and open sunroof was a perfect start to a perfect may-project.

We met up in the cafeteria at the IT-University for lunch at 1300hrs. After a tour round the complex, we had a meeting with Startup's entire staff at 1400hrs, in the meeting room Marie Curie.
The meeting went very well and the staff at Startup had a lot of good ideas and network that we could benefit from in our coming project.

The location Startup is located in is awesome...
Just look at the left picture. Many things have been done in order to inspire the people working there in the best possible way. Needless to say that all of us are looking forward to tomorrow!

Best regards


KaosPilots in Mostar-007 said...

Hi, start up-folks, det er da for vildt det sted i arbejder... tillykke... jeg glæder mig til at høre mere. stort kys til jer alle. Frankie

Jo said...

Those are some pretty neat offices.. and this could be a cool blog. Keep us posted - even when stuff starts to get really hectic!