Finally the day came (Friday) where we, the five hard working group members of the Entrepreneurial Incubator project, met up and took the final decisive steps, towards creating the theme for the next weeks actual product development challenges (IDEO), and thereby crossing "the point of no return"... We are almost halfway and in good spirit. The last couple of weeks has been dedicated to research, brainstorms, talks, joy, fustrations, actions, dinners, table soccer and indeed some beers too. All in all we have been very process oriented and focused on the understanding of our synopsis actual connection to the real world topics we mention in it. We will transform our work methods a little now, and focus more on our end result, the actions needed to finish and simply just start cutting down on the process bull...., and work our butts of. After a hard days work Friday we all needed a pilsner, and moved to the bar area of ITU. WOW!.... The prices there are like no other place we know, and the beers they sell there are of very high quality. Before ending our stay in Cph. we will definitely have to rock that place in real T13 style. On the way to Århus for the weekend, Torben, Anders, Jakob and Thomas had one more incredible travel/würtz experience to write about in the blog.
The creative solution for a "menu extravagance" on the slow boat from Kalundborg to Århus were as follows: 4 Store fadøl, 8 ristede, 2 frankfurtere, 12 brød, blod, bæ og bræk + ristede løg. The add on was 1 bakke pommes og godt med døbls. We all enjoyed the magnificent feast in the great surroundings of the smoking lounge. White walls, Danish hardcore truckers and the national folk hero "Bubber" on the TV in the corner.
Have a great weekend out there...
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